This is, as you can see in the picture I just showed, the Legacy Edition of Call of Duty Warfare Infinite would have the remastering of classic developed by Infinity Ward . A credible enough detail since we are talking about one of the favorite by fans of the series and was developed by the same company that handles this more than possible Inifine Warfare chapters.
Moreover, as you have seen in the image, also would have leaked the release date of this CoD Infinity Warfare , which reach stores on November 4, 2016. A fairly reliable date as the title would arrive just before the start of the Christmas campaign and so Activision would take advantage of such feasts to sell a bunch of copies of the game.
For now neither Activision and Infinity Ward have spoken about the leak of Call of Duty Infinite Warfare , so we can not confirm yet that this is its final name nor your Legacy Edition will include a copy of the remastering of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare . We hope soon leave doubts because it looks like the title will be officially launched on May 3.

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